


內容: 葛霖所著《天國與財利》的英文原作出版已有十年。十年間,環球金融市場風起雲湧,發展不斷:亞洲爆發金融風暴、安隆倒閉、國際游資四竄、市場波動增劇、歐元面世、全球市場加速一體化、中國等新興市場崛起、投資產品日新月異……。這些趨勢,對金融專業人士和從業員,有何意義?基督徒可有什麼信仰反省或回應?葛霖在書中的提問,今天依然適切:金融市場與天國有何關係?市場是否只是賭場而已?基督徒可否被呼召在金融市場工作?市場中的基督徒,除了傳福音、奉獻金錢和「做好人」以外,還可怎樣事奉上帝?……


時間: 7:00-9:30pm
地點: 循道衛理聯合教會香港堂(灣仔軒尼詩道36號)
費用: $120(6月30日後報名$150)

內容: 近十年隨著投資理論的發展,衍生工具已不再局限用於消極的風險管理,而是成為整體投資策略與組合的一環。香港股市向來炒味甚濃,加上衍生工具大行其道,認股證(窩輪)的交易額已佔大市成交的兩成,令傳統投資、投機與賭博的界線更為模糊。衍生交易具有雙面性質,正面可對沖和轉移風險,反面卻可淪為風險賭博。衍生工具的零和設計,可使衍生交易成為投機者之間對價格波動走向的對賭,我們根本沒法完全排除其賭博性。那麼,我們是否應該遠離衍生工具?怎樣買賣衍生工具才是投資(投機)而不是賭博?衍生工具是否應加以嚴厲管制?究竟道德信仰對金融專業人士的服務有什麼指引、對金融市場參與者的抉擇有什麼意義?在傳統投資、投機與賭博觀念式微中,我們是否有必要建立另一套新的概念?我們應如何重構這嶄新的概念?……


主持: 馬家和先生(投資機構創辦人、曾任職衍生工具風險管理)
對象: 投資者/投機者、教牧同工及對此課題有興趣的人士
日期: 2006年7月14日(六)
時間: 2:30-5:00pm
地點: 播道會港福堂(金鐘夏愨道16號遠東金融中心1字樓1號室)
費用: $120(6月30日後報名$150)


Vocatio Creation

協辦: 循道衛理聯合教會香港堂播道會港福堂香港專業人才服務機構(HKPES)時代論壇
支持伙伴: 宣道會北角堂銀行同業福音團契商區福音使團
報名: 請填妥報名表,連同劃線支票(抬頭:Vocatio Creation Limited)寄往灣仔洛克道81-85號霸田商業中心12樓A室Vocatio Creation收,或將款項直接存入本機構帳戶(恆生銀行 #768-121790-883)並將收據及報名表傳真至3575 7414
查詢: 3582 4063(胡先生/Vocatio Creation)、2314 3331(梁小姐/HKPES)
電郵: financial@vocatiocreation.com.hk
網頁: www.vocatiocreation.com.hk
下載: 單張 / 報名表 / 海報


General Terms & Conditions
Application & Payment
1 Please send the registration form with your payment in crossed cheque payable to “Vocatio Creation Limited” to: Suite A, 12/F, Empire Land Commercial Centre, 81-85 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong. Alternatively you may deposit the fees into our Hang Seng Bank account: 768-121790-883. Please fax the payment slip, your name and contact number to us at (852) 3575-7414. Please note we do not accept applications in person at our above mailing address.
2 If you enroll in more than one person, please fill out a separate registration form for each applicant. Please list out all the applicants on the bank receipt or on the back of the cheque.
3 Fees paid are not refundable. Fees will only be refunded if the event you enroll is full or cancelled. However, your place in the event may be transferred to another person.
1 Admission is made on a first-come first-served basis. Late applications will only be considered if there are still vacant places.
2 We reserve the right to cancel an event if there is insufficient enrolment or unforeseen difficulties arising from mounting the event. We may, at our discretion, refuse to admit an applicant.
3 Your admission will be confirmed by letter or email, but we shall not be responsible for any delivery failure. Please contact us if you do not receive our confirmation 5 days before the event starting date.
4 We will make every effort to ensure that the events meet at the place and time advertised, and with the same speaker(s). However, we reserve the right to make changes if necessary.
Adverse Weather Arrangements
If the Black Rainstorm Warning Signal or the Typhoon Signal No.8 or above is hoisted at the following hours, events will be suspended as below:
Signals hoisted by
Events suspended
7:30 am
Events that start before 2:00pm
12:30 pm
Events that start between 2:30 and 6:00pm
5:00 pm
Events that start from 7:00pm
When the following Signal is hoisted during the event already in progress
Typhoon Signal No. 8 or above
Event will be immediately suspended
Black Rainstorm Signal
Event will be continued